My declaration to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

Thérèse, great Saint Doctor of the Catholic Church, appeared to me in a dream more than 32 years ago. I actually saw in my sleep the Basilica of Lisieux, which I did not know.

My mom who lived with me knew this place and had confirmed to me that it was in Lisieux. One Sunday morning we got ready including my 8 year old son. Once arrived in front of the basilica, I rediscovered my appearance and there I knew that a spiritual call had been established between Saint Thérèse and me. Since that date, I go 4 to 6 times a year to Lisieux. I ask him to help me in my difficulties, to relieve me, to help me get help on my way and the strength to fight to move forward, not to discourage me as well as to help people around me. . Saint Thérèse never failed in any of my requests. Believing very strongly in her help, for many years I have brought her people wishing that they could also obtain from Saint Thérèse the graces that she allowed me to receive. I am faithful to my catholic religion (while respecting the other religions) and I try every day to do my duty as a Christian. I painted Thérèse holding white lilies, because the lily is the ancient symbol of light and in this also the symbol of innocence, of the purity of virginity. It is also the emblematic flower of Christ and the Virgin frequently represented in the scene of the Annunciation with the Archangel Gabriel. I am a colorist painter with knowledge of color psychology chromatology with its explanation of its history and its symbolism for each of them. I would have liked very young to be a nun in a Carmel but life decided otherwise. Saint Thérèse did not say that she will love people who help others. I find myself in this sentence. This is my declaration to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux whom I will bless until the end of my existence on earth.

Laurence Tomasi (35730 Pleurtuit), June 2023

[cit. Ms A 52 Not knowing how to tell Jesus that I loved him and how much I wanted him to be loved everywhere]

Laurence Tomasi