This year 2023 is special, it represents the 150th anniversary of the birth of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux as well as the 100th anniversary of her beatification. I noticed this a few days ago while visiting the Lisieux Basilica for the first time. I would like to bear witness to the miracle that Saint Thérèse performed for my grandmother, this miracle gave her the possibility of continuing her life while she was dying.
My name is Marc Nasr. My grandmother Colette Aoun el Ghorayeb was born in 1933 in Damour, a beautiful village on the coast of Lebanon. In 1938, at the age of 5, during a walk with his father next to the river, they drank from its water. Not knowing that she was polluted, her father caught parathyphoid and Colette got typhoid which at that time was fatal.
Taken to hospital, she and her father were in very critical condition. They were each put in a room. Above the door to Colette's room there was a photo of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Her father's condition was improving but Colette's was getting worse and the fever did not leave her. She no longer ate or drank, her mother knelt beside her praying and putting compresses on her forehead to bring down the fever. Colette was in agony, she could barely speak or open her eyes. Suddenly, she said to her mother “look mom there is a sister coming towards me” her mother asked her to describe what she was wearing so Colette replied “a brown tunic and a black veil, she came towards me in smiling and put his hand on my forehead” then his mother asked him if it was the one in the photo that was above the door. Colette tells him yes. Her astonished mother told her that it was Saint Thérèse and asked Colette to pray to her.
An hour later, the fever subsided, she felt better and began to drink and eat, she regained her strength thanks to Saint Thérèse. The doctors who had lost hope were surprised to see Colette recovered.
Colette died last year on the eve of Saint Joseph's Day.
This testimony is a small thank you to Saint Thérèse because it is thanks to her that our big family exists. It is also an opportunity to testify that Jesus is the only way, truth and life. Ask and you will receive, have confidence and above all live in love like little Thérèse. Saint Thérèse promised:
“I want to spend my Heaven doing good on Earth”, “After my death, I will make a shower of roses fall on Earth”, “I will return to Earth to make Love loved”.
And here is further proof of the good that Saint Thérèse, doctor of love, does everywhere on Earth.
May the name of the Lord be glorified now and always!