(Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart)

Sister of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux - 1860-1940
- 22th February 1860 : Birth of Marie, the eldest of the family. Baptism in the church of Saint-Pierre de Montsort.
- October 1868 : Marie and Pauline are entrusted to the boarding school of the Visitation.
- July 2, 1869 : First Communion in the Chapel of the Visitation.
- 1869 : Confirmation.
- 4th January 1873 : Baptism of Thérèse. She will be his Godmother.
- August 2, 1875 : Leaves the Visitation boarding school by collecting six first prizes.
- 1882 : Father Pichon, Jesuit, becomes his director of conscience.
- 13 May 1883 : She treats Thérèse, who fell seriously ill after Pauline left for Carmel. After her healing, Mary understands that Thérèse was healed by the smile of the Virgin.
- 1885-1886 : Marie becomes the confidante of Thérèse's scruples.
- March 25, 1885 : Private vow of chastity.
- 15 October 1886 : She entered the Carmel of Lisieux and became Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart.
- March 19, 1887 : Habit.
- December 1894 : Encourages Mother Agnès de Jésus (Pauline) to ask Thérèse to write down her childhood memories.
- June-July 1895 : Thérèse offers her Offering to Merciful Love to Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart who accepts after hesitation.
- September 8-17, 1896 : Marie asks Thérèse to write down her “little doctrine” (Manuscript B)
- March 8, 1937 : Seriously ill, she receives Extreme Unction.
- 19th January 1940 : Marie died at the age of 80 in the Carmel of Lisieux.
(Mother Agnes of Jesus)

Sister of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux - 1861-1951
- 7 September 1861 : Birth on the 2e Martin daughter, Pauline.
- 8 September 1861 : Baptism in the church of Saint-Pierre de Montsort.
- October 1868 : Pauline and her sister Marie become boarders at the Visitation of Le Mans where Marie-Dosithée, their aunt, lives.
- July 2, 1874 : Pauline made her First Communion in the Chapel of the Visitation. She is thinking of becoming Visitandine.
- 1875 : Pauline enters boarding school alone, Marie having completed her studies. Regular correspondence between Zélie Martin and Pauline.
- 1er August 1877 : Pauline leaves the Visitation boarding school.
- August 28, 1877 : After Mrs. Martin's death, Thérèse decides: “For me, Pauline will be the mother! "
- 16th February 1882 : In Saint-Jacques, in the chapel of Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel, Pauline was inspired to enter Carmel.
- 2 October 1882 : Pauline enters the Carmel of Lisieux under the name of Sister Agnès of Jesus.
- 6 April 1883 : Pauline becomes a novice.
- 8 May 1884 : Pauline pronounces her perpetual vows in the hands of the Foundress of Carmel of Lisieux, Mother Geneviève of Sainte-Thérèse.
- 20th February 1893 : Elected Prioress for the first time. She will be replaced by Mother Marie de Gonzague on March 21, 1896.
- winter 1894 : Orders Thérèse to write down her childhood memories.
- June 1897 : Proposes to Mother Marie de Gonzague to edit Thérèse's writings.
- October 19-20, 1898 : Publication of the History of a Soul. She took a big part in the preparation of the book.
- 1902 : Mother Agnès of Jesus becomes Prioress again.
- 1909 : As the “Trial” of Thérèse is being prepared, Sister Agnès of Jesus becomes prioress again.
- 1923 : Pius XI confirms her Prioress for life. It will be a major element of Thérèse's influence in the world. The volume of his correspondence will be considerable.
- 7th June 1944 : The fire ravages Lisieux. The Superior of the Mission of France urges the Mother Prioress to leave the monastery to take refuge, with the Carmelites, in the Crypt of the Basilica.
- August 27, 1944 : After 80 days, return to Carmel intact.
- January 1949 : Suffering from pulmonary congestion.
- July 28, 1951 : Dies at the age of 90.
- 1er August 1951 : Solemn funeral under the chairmanship of HE Mgr. Picaud, Bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux.
(Sister Françoise-Thérèse)
Sister of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux - 1863-1941

Sister of Thérèse de Lisieux and third daughter of Louis and Zélie Martin, she was a nun under the name of Sister Françoise-Thérèse from 1899 until her death on June 17, 1941. Léonie Martin's beatification process began in 2015: not because she was the sister of Thérèse de Lisieux or the daughter of Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, but because despite her great fragility, she reached the heights of holiness. Difficult child, in poor health, victim unbeknownst to her family of ill-treatment, she will have to do it four times to become Visitandine, but will know how to make her difficulties the crucible of radiant humility. Today she is a role model for thousands of people.
Visit the site of the monastery of the Visitation
- 3th June 1863 : Birth of Léonie, 3e daughter of Martin, in Alençon.
- 23 May 1875 : First Communion at Notre-Dame d'Alençon.
- 18th June 1877 : Accompany his sick mother to Lourdes with Marie and Pauline.
- 3 October 1881 : Finished her studies with the Benedictines in Lisieux where she was a boarder. She is 18 years old.
- 13 May 1883 : Miraculous healing of Thérèse by the Virgin in the presence of Léonie.
- 14th June 1884 : Confirmation godmother of Thérèse.
- 7 October 1886 : During the stay of Mr. Martin and his 4 daughters in Alençon. 1er trial of religious life among the Poor Clares. She will only stay there for 2 months.
- July 16, 1887 : At 24, she entered the Visitation de Caen.
- 6th January 1888 : Léonie leaves the Visitation of Caen after 6 months.
- 10th January 1889 : Attends the taking of Habit de Thérèse with Mr. Martin and Céline.
- 12th February 1889 : Mr. Martin is interned at Bon-Sauveur in Caen where he will stay for more than 3 years. Léonie and Céline visit it regularly.
- 24th June 1893 : Second entry to the Visitation of Caen.
- 6 April 1894 : Taking the habit under the name of Sister Thérèse-Dosithée.
- July 20, 1895 : After two years at the Visitation of Caen, Léonie, at 32, goes to live with the Guérins in Lisieux.
- July 17, 1897 : Last letter from Thérèse to Léonie who assures her that she will be Visitandine.
- 4 October 1897 : Burial of Thérèse. Léonie is in mourning.
- 28th January 1899 : 3e entry to the Visitation of Caen, at 35 1/2 years old, it will be final.
- 30th June 1899 : New Habit of Léonie, under the name of Sister Françoise-Thérèse, at the Visitation of Caen.
- July 2, 1900 : Profession at the Visitation of Caen.
- August 1910 : She is a witness at the Informative Process for the Cause of Beatification of Thérèse in Bayeux.
- September 1915 : Meeting with her three sisters at the Carmel of Lisieux for the Apostolic Process of the Cause for the Beatification of Thérèse.
- 29 April 1923 : Beatification of Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus at Saint Peter's in Rome, by Pius XI. Léonie Visitandine and her three Carmelite sisters are invited but they decline the invitation to remain faithful to their cloistered vocations.
- 16th June 1941 : Died at the Visitation of Caen, aged 78.
- March 11, 1945 : The shrine of the relics of Thérèse comes to the Visitation of Caen, on the return from the holidays in Paris in honor of Saint Thérèse, Patroness of France, to greet the mortal remains of Leonie in the crypt. For about fifteen years, this Crypt has been made accessible to the many pilgrims who come to pray at Leonie's tomb.
- 24th January 2015 : The opening of the beatification process of Sister Françoise-Thérèse, better known as Léonie Martin, sister of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, has been officially announced in Caen. Mgr Jean-Claude Boulanger, bishop of Bayeux-Lisieux, proclaimed this announcement during a mass celebrated at the monastery of the Visitation where she was a nun from 1899 to 1941.
(Sister Geneviève de la Sainte Face)

Sister of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux: 1869-1959
- 1885 : Céline leaves the Abbey, where she had been “president of the Children of Mary”. She had almost always won first prizes.
- April 1888: Requested in marriage. Céline does painting and photography.
- 16th June 1888 : Céline announces to her father her desire to be a nun.
- 12th February 1889 : M.Martin enters Bon Sauveur in Caen for treatment. Céline settled nearby, with the Sisters of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, with Léonie for three months.
- December 8, 1889, : RP Pichon, his director, authorizes him to take the vow of virginity.
- July 29, 1894 : Mr. Martin succumbs to a heart attack, assisted by Céline.
- 14 September 1894 : Céline enters Carmel (with her camera).
- 5th February 1895 : A novice, who first bore the name of Sister Marie de la Sainte Face, she takes the Habit and becomes Sister Geneviève de Sainte Thérèse and de la Sainte Face.
- 9th June 1895 : Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus asks, during the Mass of the Holy Trinity, for permission to offer herself as a victim to Merciful Love.
- 11th June 1895 : Offering with Céline.
- 24th February 1896 : Occupation
- 1898-1899 : All her life, Sister Geneviève took an active part in the dissemination of Thérèse's Message through writing, photography and images.
- 1952 : Publication of “Conseils et Souvenirs” by Sister Geneviève.
- 24th February 1956 : Diamond Jubilee. Mgr Jacquemain, Bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux authorizes the opening of the Informative Process of the Cause of the Servant of God, Louis Martin.
- 25th February 1959 : Death of Sister Geneviève.