May Saint Thérèse, Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, at the heart of the Church, intercede for all of us and for the world, throughout this beautiful new year.
Happy Jubilee 2023!

Consult the jubilee process booklet by clicking on your language:

Calendar of the Jubilee Year of Saint Therese

Guided and accompanied jubilee process on site at the Basilica, one Saturday a month, at 14 p.m. (and on request…): Process, mass for pilgrims, individual confessions

Saturday February 4 – Saturday March 4 – Saturday April 1 – Saturday May 6 – Saturday 1er July – Saturday July 12 – Saturday August 5 – Saturday September 2 – Saturday November 4 – Saturday December 2 – Saturday January 6, 2024

CLICK HERE to download the program of the year in PDF!

Monday, January 2, 2023: 150nd anniversary of Thérèse's birth

  • 14 p.m.: Conference “Itinerary of a life given to Jesus” Father Olivier Ruffray, Lower Basilica
  • 15:30 p.m.: Solemn Mass, Lower Basilica
  • 20:30 p.m.: Vigil at the Carmel with the Carmelite sisters and Carmelite brothers

Sunday January 8: Opening of the Jubilee

  • 10:30 a.m.: Solemn Mass
  • 14 p.m.: Conference “30 years ago, Thérèse Martin” Father Loys de Saint Chamas, Cinema room
  • 15:30 p.m.: Opening of the Holy Door by Monsignor Habert, Bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux. Jubilee process on Teresian places (Basilica, Evocation Buissonnets, Cathedral, Carmel)
  • 17:00 p.m.: Mass for the pilgrims
  • 18:00 p.m.: Vespers at Carmel

April 28-30: 100nd anniversary of the Beatification of Saint Thérèse           

Under the presidency of HE Cardinal Aveline, Archbishop of Marseille

Friday, April 28

  • 20h Inauguration of the Unesco exhibition: “Thérèse: portraits of a woman”, Basilica
  • 21h Spiritual concert around Saint Thérèse by the Bella Carmina choir, Crypt

Saturday, April 29

  • 10h Conference “Our vocation to holiness in the light of Saint Thérèse”, Saint-Pierre Cathedral, Father Menvielle, NDV
  • 11h15 Opening Mass at Carmel  
  • 14h30 Welcoming celebration of the relics of Saint Thérèse, Esplanade de la Basilique
  • 15h30 Solemn Mass at the Basilica with hospitality from Normandy
  • 18h00 Vespers at Carmel
  • 20h30 Vigil at Carmel “Thérèse consoles us”
  • 22h15 Fireworks at the Basilica “Once upon a time, Thérèse”

Sunday, April 30

  • 10h30 Solemn Mass at the Basilica
  • 15h30 Procession of the relics of Saint Teresa from the Basilica to the Carmel
  • 16h00 Vespers at Carmel

Sunday January 7, 2024: Closing of the Jubilee, presided over by HE Cardinal Semeraro, Prefect of the Congregation of Saints

  • 10:30 a.m.: Solemn Mass and closing of the Holy Door
  • 15:00 p.m.: Conference: “Two jubilees in honor of Saint Thérèse for a new millennium” Salle du Cinéma
  • 17:00 p.m.: Mass for the pilgrims
  • 18:00 p.m.: Vespers at Carmel

Here is the booklet that you will find on your arrival at the Basilica to guide you throughout your Jubilee process!