Published on 11 August 2022
Get your class to participate in the drawing competition organized on the occasion of the 150e anniversary of the birth of Thérèse of Lisieux, celebrated in association with UNESCO!
The classes will produce a work of A3 format (42 x 29,7 cm) with the graphic techniques of their choice and send it between January 2, 2023 and February 17, 2023.
School drawing competition on the occasion of the 150e anniversary of the birth of Thérèse of Lisieux, celebrated in association with UNESCO
The Sainte-Thérèse Sanctuary from Lisieux, represented by the Association Diocésaine de Bayeux-Direction du Pèlerinage, is organizing a drawing competition open to all Catholic establishments in France on the occasion of the 150e anniversary of the birth of Thérèse of Lisieux (January 2, 1873).
UNESCO joins in the celebration of this anniversary, emphasizing the influence of Thérèse of Lisieux as a woman of culture, education and peace. The theme of the drawing (collective or individual) to be produced will therefore be either: “Thérèse woman of culture”, “Thérèse woman of education” or “Thérèse woman of peace”.
The competition will be classified into two school cycles. Six classes will be designated winners, including three classes from cycle 2 (CP, CE1, CE2) and three classes from cycle 3 (CM1 and CM2). A jury will designate a winning drawing for each theme per school cycle.
The pupils of the winning classes will each win a keychain bearing the image of Thérèse of Lisieux and their school will receive a UNESCO trophy. Any establishment that has competed will receive a certificate of participation stamped by UNESCO.
To participate, the drawing (collective or individual, at the choice of the teacher) must be made on an A3 medium (42 x 29,7 cm). The teacher must send the drawing, accompanied by the registration form (see rules below) and the transfer of copyright and an A4 sheet indicating the chosen theme and explaining the approach of the students and the teacher. for the production of this drawing, before 17/02/2023 at the latest, to the following address: Sainte-Thérèse de Lisieux sanctuary – Drawing competition, 31 rue du Carmel, CS 62095,14102 LISIEUX CEDEX.
All graphic techniques are authorized. Only one entry per class, only one winning class per school.