Address of Bishop Hlib Lonchyna

Lisieux, Basilica of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, March 1, 2022.

Ukrainian soldiers give this testimony:
“We feel your prayerful support. Sometimes something really
incomprehensible is happening: It's as if an invisible hand is pushing the bullets away
and shells and they avoid us! We emerge victorious from difficult situations,
as if someone were with us. We become invisible to
the enemy we see even in the night – and we know what to do and how
do it. It inspires us and gives us strength. We believe that Jesus Christ
supports Ukraine. We ask you not to stop supporting us and to
continue to pray. We need you ".

Dear Monsignor, dear brothers in the priesthood, dear friends,

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this Liturgy for Peace in Ukraine. We
we are not enemies of the Russian people. We are all children of God!
We want peace for us and for them. But peace, we can build it
only in justice, in truth and in charity. This is what we
ask in prayer.
Praying – through the intercession of little Thérèse – for an end to the aggression,
let us also pray for the conversion of Russia, requested by the Blessed Virgin at
Finally, let us pray for the souls of Ukrainians and Russians and Belarusians and
all those who lost their lives in this useless and unjust war.

The Lord is stronger than the sins of men.
Trust in the mercy and power of God!