Masses of the day

At Carmel
At Carmel
At the Crypt
At the Cathedral
Portrait de Thérèse Martin
saints Louis Zelie Martin 2
Portrait de Thérèse Martin


A life of spirituality
The holiness of Thérèse does not rest on extraordinary phenomena. It consists of "doing very ordinary things in an extraordinary way!"
Her history Her spirituality Her writings
saints Louis Zelie Martin 2

Louis & Zélie Martin

his parents
The story of the couple of Louis and Zélie is a simple story, but not ordinary. Both wishing to become religious, they meet on the bridge that spans the Sarthe.
Their story Their spirituality Their writings Their family


With Saints Thérèse, Louis and Zélie Martin
L’histoire de Thérèse

Thérèse's story

A very ordinary life (by Monsignor Guy Gaucher) The holiness of Thérèse does not rest on extraordinary phenomena. It consists of "doing very ordinary things in an extraordinary way!" It is very difficult to realize that the life of Thérèse Martin was quite ordinary. Because she has become […]
La spiritualité de Thérèse

The spirituality of Thérèse

The little way of trust and love or "My little doctrine" as you call it ...
Les écrits de Thérèse

The writings of Thérèse

In the writings of Thérèse de Lisieux, we probably do not find, as in other Doctors, a scientifically organized presentation […]
Les Buissonnets

Les Buissonnets

Family home of Saint Thérèse and the Martin family in Lisieux, Thérèse spent eleven years of her life there […]


Times of healing are offered all year round to get closer to Saint Thérèse, to join her in the heart of […]